Project Background
Insights of Modern Families In China
There is a huge disparity of parenting involvements between moms and dads in modern families
Different Types of Parenting Involvements
There are mainly 3 types of parenting involvements: Balanced family involvement; Low father involvements due to workload & Low father involvement due to slacking off

Balance Family Involvements
Balanced involvements are based on mutual communication and respect. Involvments are fairly divided between partners so that each one has its personal time.

Low Father Involvements Due To Workloads
One-sided involvements occur when one partner fails to take active parts in parenting. The main reasons are busy work schedule and stereotypical gender role in society.

Low Father Involvements Due To Slacking Off
Low father involvements occur when the father doesn’t take the initative in parenting although he has plenty of free time.
How Might We
Key Factors to Consider
Due to lower parenting involvements from the fathers, how can we increase father’s parenting involvements with kids, what factors should be considered?
01 Bonding Between Dad & Kid
Bonding requires father and kid to participate and enjoy activities together & create mutual memories.
02 Awareness of Parenting
Increase father involvements by awakening intrinsic motivations from fathers. Such as collecting and sharing memories together.
03 Guidance
Provide parents with instructions about how to interact with their children.
04 Educative Purpose
Motivate kids to learn & develop core skills at specific stages of the skill development
How Might We
“How might we design a solution that triggers interactions between father & kid remotely in a fun, educative way?”

Design Process
My brainstorming begins with the concept of "parental involvement". This branches out into various directions such as strengthening the bond between father and child, increasing parental awareness, offering guidance, and serving educational purposes.

Technology Studies
Based on the how might we statement, what types of technology can be applied to design? How do different components interconnect with each other?

Basic Work Flow
Considering the technology studies, I outlined the basic workflow to connect various technologies between parent and child.

Product Intro
Product Overview
This product set includes an interactive game hub for kids and a watch for fathers. The father can use the watch to interact remotely with the child, ensuring distance doesn't hinder their parenting involvement.

Explosive Perspectives

Flexible Tangible Interface On Gamehub
The cylinders in the flexible physical interface protrude to form different shapes. These shapes aid infants in practicing their ability to recognize emotions, shapes, and objects. The shape variations can be remotely controlled using the paired watch on the father's side.

Interfaces & Interactions On Pairing Watch
The watch for the dad will act as a remote controller for the interactive game hub. Its primary functions include selecting games for the kids and recording the facial expressions of both the child and the father.

Interfaces On Smartphone
The APP is designed for the father and serves a managerial role in this entire system.

User Flow
User Flow
How does the entire interactive game system work between fathers and children?