Project Background
This thesis project is about exploring
How might we integrate AI to inpsire and support form explorations for industrial designers?
The Focused Area
Mood Boards

What is a mood board?
A mood board is a type of visual presentation or 'collage' consisting of images, text, and samples of objects in a composition. It is widely used for inspiration during the process of form exploration in industrial design practices.
Current issues with collecting inspirations through mood board

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Concept Overview
What is COSMO?
COSMO will inspire industrial designers in 3 scenarios

01. Collecting Inspiration Sources
COSMO utilizes Mixed Reality (MR) technology to offer designers an immersive experience for sourcing inspiration from real-life events. Designers can capture these inspirations easily by pointing and drawing with their MR eyewear. The AI in the COSMO system then automatically categorizes and organizes these inputs into the Inspiration Hub. This hub serves as a collection gallery for all the gathered inspiration sources.
02. Gathering & Sorting Inspiration Sources
The Inspiration Hub's AI system sorts and categorizes all collected inspiration sources. This intelligent system allows designers to explore the inspiration sources in a physical space using MR technology. Designers can select specific sources that they want to explore further and move them from the physical space to the "Top of Mind" section in the Inspiration Hub. This action indicates to the AI system that the designers will work further on these sources, trying to understand and transform them into useful insights for form development in industrial design.
03. Internalizing & Making Sense of Inspiration Collections
The COSMO system creates a virtual meditative space for designers to engage deeply with the inspirational thoughts collected in "Top of Mind."
Designers maintain full autonomy in this process. They can stop the association loop once they find the current layer of associations insightful enough, allowing them to move to the next stage of ideation.
The Inspiration Hub
The Inspiration Hub software uses AI to gather, analyze, and sort inspiration sources, simplifying the organization process for designers and streamlining the design process.

01. Digital Collections of Inspiration Sources
AI will recognize sources of inspiration collected from online digital platforms such as Pinterest and Behance, and compile them in the digital collection section.

02. Inspiration Collection from Real Life
Sources of inspiration, gathered from real-life events, will be synchronized with the MR glasses and organized in the real-life inspiration collection section.

03. Organizing & Sorting Inspirations
Designers can expand inspiration within their physical environment for immersive interaction. Relevant sources can be moved to the 'Top of Mind' section of the Inspiration Hub, indicating their importance in the design process.

The Meditative Space

The Meditative Space is a distraction-free MR environment where designers can engage with inspirations. It stimulates understanding, fosters connection with sources, and integrates them into the creative process. This space encourages contemplation and exploration of AI-aided associations, tapping into subconscious creativity for innovative design concepts.
The Role of AI In Meditative Space
I envision AI using its vast knowledge to extend individuals' memory reach, aiding their associative thinking. It can suggest distant associations, enriching designers' ideas and fostering innovative solutions. In this process, humans provide initial associations from their experiences and intuitions, then guide AI by accepting or rejecting its suggestions. This collaboration expands designers' creative boundaries.

The Associative Journey
Designers can expand inspiration within their physical environment for immersive interaction. Relevant sources can be moved to the 'Top of Mind' section of the Inspiration Hub, indicating their importance in the design process.

The Association Loop Between Human Designers & AI
Idea quality in a meditative space is enhanced by numerous association loops with AI, leading to distant associations and high-quality ideas.
Interaction Paradigms Within The Meditative Space
Selecting Association Types
Meditative Space Feature 1
Meditative Space Feature 2
Control AI’s Ability to Diverge into Multiple Associations
Summarize Internalized Insights Into An Insight Node
Meditative Space Feature 3
Meditative Space Feature 4
Transfer Internalized Insight to Another Relevant Theme